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Latest Vauxhall News

When To Buy A New Car Instead Of Repairing 22 September 2020

When To Buy A New Car Instead Of Repairing

Is it worth buying a new car instead of repairing? If yours has been sat on the drive it may have deteriorated, so could you be better off with a new vehicle?

The Best Cars for Commuting 21 September 2020

The Best Cars for Commuting

Why not make your daily commute more tolerable? From big to small to electric, find the best commuter car for you in our round-up.

Vauxhall Reveals All-New Mokka 03 September 2020

Vauxhall Reveals All-New Mokka

The perfect combination of fun and modernity, All-new Mokka introduces the future of Vauxhall design and digital cockpit.

Can You Name that Film? 24 July 2020

Can You Name that Film?

Robins & Day reveal the true cost of owning a piece of onscreen car memorabilia, and can you solve our iconic car puzzle and name those films?

Think you know your UK road signs? 27 April 2020

Think you know your UK road signs?

As drivers, we pass hundreds of road-signs each year whilst motoring. Some are likely to be very familiar to us, such as the signs that warn us that there are speed cameras ahead, whilst others are a tad more confusing.


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